New City Church is located in Northern Delaware, and affiliated with the Pennsylvania-Delaware District and the General Council of the Assemblies of God. It is “a place where love works”, and a place where “it is OK to not be OK.”
New City Church
Our Pastors
Jon and Melissa Rojewski
Jon and Melissa Rojewski serve as the new Lead Pastors of New City Church. As Philadelphia and South Jersey natives, they grew up in Assemblies of God churches and came to know the Lord as young children. Both graduates of the University of Valley Forge, they pursued separate calls in youth ministry and global missions work before marrying in 2016. They have served 8 years together in youth and outreach ministry in the Assemblies of God Kansas Network before God called them to Delaware.
Passionate about building the local church, Philly sports, and good food — you can frequently find them sharing the hope of the gospel while enjoying a game or over an eclectic meal. Jon and Melissa have three young children, Emilia, Averie, and Julian — their rewards and most meaningful ministry.
As a unit they view local church work as a family mission and frequently echo the words of the apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 2:8 as their life verse, “So, we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel but our lives as well.”
Our Declarations
Sometimes a promise hasn’t come true because we have not declared it!
The promise is waiting for our part!
1. Jesus said, “My house will be a house of prayer — for all nations!”
2. This church will be a house of extravagant love.
3. This will be a house that tears down strongholds and addictions.
4. Revival of our youth and young adults.
5. Reunification of families and salvation.
6. Teachers and preachers will be called through this ministry.
7. Revival for the city of Wilmington.
8. This church will be rebuilt and the walks will be stronger than ever.
9. Lord, you have done it before, and You will do it again!
10. New City Church will be a lighthouse.
11. New City Church will be a house of miracles.
12. Truth will set us free — truth revealed and lies exposed.
13. Financial blessing will flow in and through this church and there will be no lack.
14. This house will overflow with worship. -
Daily Devotional
Church Hours
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
9am to 4pm
12pm to 8pm
Friday and Saturday
Sunday Service
10am to Noon
Casa de Gracia
Domingos por la Tarde a las 3 pm
Casa de Gracia es la comunidad hispana que se reúne en New City los domingos a las 3 pm. Somos una iglesia comprometida con la enseñanza bíblica, la adoración apasionada, y el servicio a nuestra comunidad. En Casa de Gracia, encontrarás un lugar donde puedes crecer en tu fe, conectarte con otros creyentes, y experimentar el amor de Dios de una manera personal y transformadora.
Además, organizamos muchos eventos como “Gracia en las Calles”, donde servimos a los necesitados y salimos a compartir el evangelio en nuestra comunidad. Te invitamos a unirte a nosotros para un tiempo de adoración y la Palabra, y a ser parte de nuestra misión de llevar el amor de Cristo a todos.
¡Ven a visitarnos! ¡Esperamos que puedas adorar con nosotros!